About Omomuki
The Omomuki Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in New York City.
LGBTQ+ Health
We provide funds and resources to non-profit organizations working in the areas of HIV prevention including safer sex, PREP, and Undetectable=Untransmittable education; HIV testing; and direct services for people living with HIV/AIDS.
Community Live Music
We pay musicians to give public performances and work with non-profit organizations to include live music as part of their events.
Music Recording & Archiving
We assist musicians in creating and releasing jazz music. Examples include rehearsal and recording studio time, musician fees, mixing and mastering, album artwork, distribution strategy, performances, video, and sheet music.
Jazz Composition
This annual grant aids in professional development and provides wider exposure to selected jazz musicians by providing funds to compose and record an album of original jazz compositions, and to premier the album in a live performance.
New Music for Dance
We provide funding to choreographers and dance companies to commission original music and its live performance.
Omomuki Space
Omomuki makes its loft space in New York City’s Flower District available at no cost to select non-profit organizations and artists for fundraisers, friendraisers, concerts, performances, and exhibitions.